Breaking Bad is one of the most critically acclaimed television shows of all time. Following its premiere in 2008, the show's five-season run won 16 Emmy Awards and earned 58 nominations and continues to appeal to new fans every day in over 170 territories worldwide. The series follows the story of Walter White, a desperate man who turns to a life of crime to secure his family's financial future, and is supported by an impressive soundtrack. Music from a variety of styles and decades can be heard throughout the 5 seasons of the series.
Music On Vinyl releases a special Record Store Day 2LP soundtrack, containing a selection of defining songs from the series. The soundtrack includes tracks by Dave Porter, Gnarls Barkley, J.J. Cale, Los Cuates de Sinaloa, The Beastie Boys, Badfinger, Nat King Cole and The Monkees.
Record Store Day titles are strictly limited and non-returnable.