Beneath the tranquil veneer of the picturesque beachside town of Ventura, California, something dangerous lurks in the shadows...
Night Demon stands on the precipice of their biggest album and touring cycle yet. With their second full-length, aptly entitled Darkness Remains, the true defenders of the night are poised to bring their volatile stage show and fist pumping, neck wrecking, Heavy Metal sound to audiences the world round.
Darkness Remains delivers all the expected NWOBHM-inspired thrills and chills, but also sees members, Jarvis Leatherby (vocals/bass), Armand John Anthony (guitar), and Dusty Squires (drums), honing their songwriting chops. Not only has the band’s overall sound matured, but the individual members have carved out their own niches, sharpened their attack, and even taken some chances along the way. Boasting a full, powerful, and clear production that retains a raw edginess, Darkness Remains sets the gold standard for how a traditional metal record should sound in 2017.