Boston’s own Street Dogs are ferociously awaiting the release of their sixth studio album Stand for Something or Die for Nothing. On the band's socially-conscious collection of anthems for the working class, the message behind the title track is straightforward. “Democracy dies in darkness,” insists vocalist Mike McColgan. “Stand for something or die for nothing.”
Street Dogs is Mike McColgan (vocals), Johnny Rioux (bass), Pete Sosa (drums), Lenny Lashley (guitar), and Matt Pruitt (guitar). Stand for Something or Die for Nothing was recorded at Woolly Mammoth Studios, Sugarhill Studio, and Q Division Studio with bassist Johnny Rioux in the producer’s chair, mix master Sean Cahalin at the desk, and mastering ace Jeff Lipton navigating. The album features guest vocals by Slaine and a cover of “Torn and Frayed” by The Rolling Stones.